
Acupuncture is branch of Chinese Medicine that uses small needles inserted into specific points along energy pathways in the body to adjust qi to restore balance. The needles used are very small, single use, disposable, and sterile. The points used are located all over the body and are selected for your unique condition. Treatments vary in the number of needles used depending on condition and b... Read More

Acupuncture is branch of Chinese Medicine that uses small needles inserted into specific points along energy pathways in the body to adjust qi to restore balance. The needles used are very small, single use, disposable, and sterile. The points used are located all over the body and are selected for your unique condition. Treatments vary in the number of needles used depending on condition and body constitution.

Cupping / Gua Sha

Chinese Fire Cupping is a modality that is used to increase blood circulation, relieve pain, break-up scar tissue, and myofacial release. Flame is used to create a vacuum in a glass cup that is placed on oiled skin. The cups may be left stationary or moved with a massage like technique. The suction used ranges from mild to deep/ heavy depending on the condition being treated. Gua Sha uses smoot... Read More

Chinese Fire Cupping is a modality that is used to increase blood circulation, relieve pain, break-up scar tissue, and myofacial release. Flame is used to create a vacuum in a glass cup that is placed on oiled skin. The cups may be left stationary or moved with a massage like technique. The suction used ranges from mild to deep/ heavy depending on the condition being treated. Gua Sha uses smooth tools scraped across oiled skin to breakup stagnation and increase micro-circulation. Gua Sha can be used to treat chronic pain, sports injuries, poor circulation, and repetitive use injuries. Note: Cupping and gua sha can leave discolorations on the skin that resemble bruises; while they are not painful they can last for many days after treatment.

Supplement / Herbal Consultation

We carry Standard Process, Doctors Research, Gaia PRO, and Mediherb supplements able to address a large variety of health challenges. Consultation appointments are available for an in-depth review of supplements and herbal formulas to address your current health and nutrition concerns.

Mary brings a unique, holistic approach to patient care, blending years of clinical experience with a broad range of healing modalities. She tailors each treatment to meet the individual needs of her patients, using techniques such as needling, massage, cupping, and nutritional and herbal supplementation. Her work extends beyond the treatment session, helping clients achieve lasting wellness.

Mary brings a unique, holistic approach to patient care, blending years of clinical experience wi... Read More

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